As a Communication Studies major or minor, you'll gain the skills 和 h和s-on experience you need to take your place among tomorrow's communication leaders.


项目类型 格式 学分
主要 在校园 120(未成年人18)

Why Study Communication Studies at Wilkes?

From your first day, you'll get h和s-on opportunities to operate state-of-the-art equipment used in television, radio, public relations 和 journalism. 教师和 staff mentors will work with you to tailor one of our four specializations to meet 你的兴趣. A strong theoretical foundation matched with practical courses 和 experiences will prepare you for a range of careers or graduate school.

You'll also have the opportunity to gain valuable experience outside of the classroom 通过参与 学生报纸 外部网站, 公关机构, 有线电视频道 外部网站广播电台 外部网站,或我们的 演讲辩论队.

Whether you aspire to tell inspiring stories or influence the next generation of audiences, Wilkes prepares future professional communicators to succeed in an ever-changing 和 行业动态. 

What You Will Learn as a Communication Studies 主要?

  • You'll master core communications skills such as public speaking, mass media literacy, news writing 和 multimedia communication. You will sharpen your abilities to effectively communicate 和 build a solid foundation for your career.
  • You'll choose to concentrate in one of four areas of study: 媒体制作, 多媒体新闻, 修辞研究 or 战略沟通.
  • 的 knowledge you gain in the classroom, coupled with the h和s-on learning you experience through our wide range of cocurricular 和 extracurricular activities, will help you 在就业市场中脱颖而出.

cocurricular activities to give you practical experience


concentrations focus your passion while you gain a broad base of skills


state-of-the-art communication center built for collaboration

I chose communication because of the many different avenues I could pursue. 我没有 want to make the wrong decision 和 pigeonhole myself into one career path.

Kirsten Peters '21 | Communication Studies major



You'll work closely with dedicated professors in a challenging atmosphere that fosters 专业成长与团队合作.

教师 & 工作人员


You'll find multiple opportunities for h和s-on experience with the 学生报纸, 公关机构, 有线电视频道 和 广播电台, as well as the speech 辩论队.

灯塔 外部网站


推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜现在 外部网站

90.7 WCLH-FM 外部网站



Study abroad options range from a week studying history 和 communications in London to summers of service learning in Tanzania. You can also select a full-semester program.



Professor Kalen Churcher 和 学生 work on 灯塔 in 灯塔's office

灯塔 staff comprises 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜 学生 who are advised by a full-time faculty member of the Communication Studies department.

Students record television show 推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜现在
Telecommunications Center (推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜现在)

的 Telecommunications Center educates young media professionals 和 provides services to the local community by managing 和 programming educational-access cable channel 97 for Service Electric Cable, Wilkes-Barre, 和 one closed-circuit channel.

Professor Kristen Rock 和 学生 record a radio show for WCLH

WCLH is an independent, specialty programming 广播电台 operated by Wilkes 学生. Our programming, which changes each semester, consists of hardworking underground b和s that are not part of mainstream radio.

Students brainstorm ideas in the 斑马通信 office

斑马通信 is a student-run, full-service 公关机构 of a different 条纹. 斑马通信 is staffed by 30 undergraduate advanced public relations 学生.

教师 members 和 学生 practice for speech 和 debate

All team meeting are held in the speech 和 debate office in the Karambelas Media 通讯中心126室.

职业生涯 & 结果

的 h和s-on focus of the Wilkes Communication Studies major will prepare you for a wide variety of career options in the private, government 和 nonprofit sectors. Our program prepares communication 和 media professionals to tell stories in a compelling 和 strategic way to accomplish organizational goals or engage new audiences. 的 critical thinking 和 writing skills you'll develop can be applied to a broad range of occupations, including journalism, marketing, social media, public relations, advertising, 媒体制作, 和 战略沟通s. Below are selected employers for our graduates, as well as examples of where our alumni attend graduate school.


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